Spiritual Direction
for the
Spiritually Curious
Spiritual companionship with Lauren Phelps
Welcome to my spiritual direction site! I'm so glad you're here! Since 2016 I have provided a safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental space in which seekers of all ages and backgrounds can explore their spirituality and discover deeper meaning in their lives.
I offer a unique perspective - spiritually independent, respecting all religious traditions but not confined to them - with a focus on mindful, loving awareness of whatever is happening in your life as the basis from which to dive in and explore. My deep belief is that you already have everything you need within, and I see my work as being a supportive companion to you as you uncover, tend, and deepen your own innate wisdom and compassion. My work is informed by decades of study and practice in the Buddhist tradition (primarily Insight/Theravada), while also engaging deeply with contemplative Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sufi, and non-dual paths.
I extend a special welcome to those who consider themselves spiritual-but-not-religious, those who have felt marginalized by traditional religion, and those who feel they don't fit into a particular tradition and long to have in-depth conversations about their particular sense of the spiritual.
I welcome all seekers regardless of ability, age, cultural background, ethnicity, faith, gender, gender expression, gender identity, ideology, income, national origin, race or sexual orientation. All are welcome here.
Together we will explore the path that most resonates for you!
Spirituality is not religion. It is a path for us to generate happiness, understanding, and love so we can live deeply each moment of our life. Having a spiritual dimension in our lives does not mean escaping life or dwelling in a place of bliss outside this world but discovering ways to handle life’s difficulties and generate peace, joy, and happiness right where we are, on this beautiful planet.
~Thich Nhat Hanh
To learn more about my practice, please see a short video below.